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Regular price $45.99 USD
Regular price Sale price $45.99 USD
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Reductivo del área abdominal.
Analgésico y antiinflamatorio.
Digestivo, no laxa.
Favorece funcionamiento de hígado, páncreas y riñones.
Potente remedio para la colitis.
Ingredientes: Hojas de guayaba,  Pimienta negra, Cúrcuma, Jengibre

Sugerencia de Uso: 2 comprimidos al despertar y/o al dormir.

Comprimidos: 60


Reductive of the abdominal area.
Analgesic and anti-inflammatory.
Digestive, no laxative
It favors the functioning of the liver, pancreas and kidneys.
Powerful remedy for colitis.
Ingredients: Guava leaves, Black pepper, Turmeric, Ginger

Suggested Use: 2 tablets upon waking and / or at bedtime.

Tablets: 60


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